
In some ways, my life has been consistent for the past three years. A good job, Princess the guinea pig. Okay, so the other guinea pig died, I changed churches, but I'm still in the same apartment, and it is still a mess. I still see the same counselor, except not this week. So it is really a jumble of new and old.

But the newest change is leaving my job. I can't tell you how sad it makes me. I stay up late at night, then am exhausted at my job the next day. I love the people I work with, and I have been doing this sort of work for nearly ten years.

Also, I'm the one making this decision; no one is making me do it. Now that I finally have my teaching certification coming, I want a job that requires it, or to sub for a job that requires it, so that I gain experience to gain a "certificated" position. I guess I would rather be the cause of a change, even if it leaves me asking myself, "What am I doing? Why am I bringing this uncertain change on myself!?"

And I don't have a job starting next week, not so far. So Friday is my last "official" day at work as well as the last planned work day. I do have plans for Saturday, though. Dentist plans. Better than nothing!

And then soon comes the fair! I continued my tradition of entering things in the fair, entering two new categories and one old category. The new ones are Literary Works and Scrap-booking. The old is Photography. 4 photos, 3 of which are fairly unique. The fourth is a sunny/cloudy sky, not really unique. As for the Literary work, I totally waited to the last few hours to finish writing it. Writing seems to need a deadline when I must contend with perfectionistic publishing issues. Blogging, thankfully, is in a slightly different category, allowing me to post more easily than I can enter a fair or write a paper for a class. As for scrap-booking, the local craft stores should sponsor our fair tickets or something. Do you know how much money can easily be poured into scrap-booking? A $12 scrapbook with 10 page protectors (in the 12 x 12 inch size), $2.40 for stickers, $2.40 for special tape/glue stuff, and that doesn't count printing the photos, paying sales tax, or the supplies that I bought but did not use (so could technically return or exchange. Let me just say that I don't usually spend $17 plus on something like that... Oh, who am I kidding. Guinea pig bedding is more than that. And I have been known to fork out many dollars on fair projects. It might be a weakness of mine, or an honorable hobby, or both.

Well, on the positive side, I have calmed down from fretting over the upcoming job changes (not completely, but maybe enough to continue with my evening). So farewell for now!


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