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I feel like I've run short on inspiration. I had a panicky beginning of the week on Tuesday when I panicked that I was behind on one of my group projects. Not really so logical looking back, but when I saw that the other two people had been talking Sunday and Monday and that I was just jumping in on Tuesday, I panicked, I guess that they would think I wasn't doing my part and that I would get kicked out of the group and fail the class because of it. Catastrophic thinking returns. Somehow I forgot or overlooked the whole clause about the instructor giving you the chance to do the whole project on your own if the group kicks you out. Oh, well. I tried to do too much Tuesday, which ended with me up very late at night since I hadn't taken enough time for myself (not schoolwork) earlier in the day. But then the rest of the week, things slowed back down.

Now, I'm either on another cold or I got an almost instant sinus infection from allergies and perhaps leftover cold congestion. Basically, my face hurts, I'm tired, a little down because of it, but otherwise pretty okay.

I'm waiting for the day when getting a cold or a sinus infection doesn't trigger worse depressed thinking. That will be a great day! Right now, it doesn't trigger it all the time, but it can occasionally.

I think that the medication change is working to bring me back to that functional place where the mind battles aren't sooo exhausting. Back to where I'm okay waiting until April to see my Doctor. (Translation, I might not be symptom free, but I am moving back towards symptom levels that I can live around without so much distress.) It takes time to tell, especially since my symptoms were not continuous, but I think I'm really on my way up again. :)

I got myself a Valentine present this year; perhaps because I don't have a boyfriend or such in my life, but more likely because I really like stuffed animals. I waited until the day after Valentine's day, due to scheduling and wanting to get it on a good sale. It worked: 50% off. And now I have the cutest big teddy bear. I like big stuffed animals. It isn't huge like my stuffed frog that sits at my dinner table, but it isn't the small kind from the dollar store, either. It is just perfect, including a smile.


  1. I'm glad the meds seem to be helping, Abigail. It sounds like what my med increase is doing for me--getting me to a better place.

    You have really had a winter of colds--poor thing! I hope you will get rid of this soon!

    I'm glad your new teddy bear has a smile! :-)

  2. I sure hope you feel better soon, Abigail!

    Ooooooh, I love stuffed animals too. I'm glad you got a good deal on it. My hubby bought me a stuffed "Boo" for Christmas because he knew how bad I wanted it!


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